

We are committed to delivering attractive, high quality homes, excellent customer experience and a lasting positive legacy for our communities and the local environment.

Thriving communities and social value

Creating thriving communities and delivering social value is at the heart of our Group’s purpose. The homes and developments we build today will shape our landscape and communities for generations to come. Through a considered approach to placemaking, collaborative planning and stakeholder engagement, we strive to deliver high quality homes with good access to local amenities. We also aim to promote the relationship our customers have with nature by providing accessible green space wherever possible.

Placemaking goes hand in hand with delivering social value to the local community. A range of spaces are provided to suit all ages, including parks, play areas, woodland and sports pitches. We invest in local infrastructure to promote sustainable and healthy living including cycle lanes, footpaths, good access to public transport, community buildings, educational facilities and public art across our developments.

Our business operations also create socio-economic benefits through employment opportunities for local contractors, apprentices and trainees. We also support employment in our supply chain through material and labour procurement.

More information about the environmental and social measures we put in place in our homes and developments is available in our ESG Data Handbook.

Supporting health and wellbeing at More Park School

The Group sponsored the installation of outdoor exercise equipment at More Park Catholic Primary School in West Malling for the students to use and enjoy.

The new additions included cardio and resistance apparatus accessible to children aged five to 12 years old. The equipment will be used in PE lessons to support the students’ understanding of health and fi tness and will also be available to use at break and lunch times. The equipment is designed in a horseshoe configuration so that a whole class can use the space for an outdoor fitness lesson. The equipment will also be used in activities for children with a variety of needs, meaning all students across the school can make the most of the new installations.

“This donation has allowed us to not only purchase new apparatus, but choose equipment that will both excite and inspire children for many years to come on their sports and health journey.”

Paul Greenwood
PE Lead at More Park School


Charitable giving and supporting the local community

In FY22 we donated £76,470 to charities, including Variety, the Children’s Charity, and Cancer Research UK. The Group also offers a payroll giving scheme allowing employees to make tax-free donations to their chosen charities directly from their salary. We continue to support local charities and organisations through donations and sponsorship, helping to deliver a positive impact in the communities in which we operate. We have launched a new charity partnership with Young Lives Vs Cancer, the leading cancer charity for 0-25 year olds. Further detail on our partnership is available on our Charitable Giving page.


The Henley Gate development in Ipswich will deliver over 1,000 new homes set within extensive landscaping, including a new 30-hectare country park providing a natural space and quality recreational landscape for new residents and the wider community. The local centre will include shops and a new primary school. A network of pedestrian and cycle routes will connect the community with the proposed country park and visitor centre, promoting wellbeing and sustainability. Woodland and hedgerows will provide a habitat for wildlife such as hedgehogs and birds.

109 Henley Gate will have 109 acres of natural open green spaces

£14m The investment which will be made into highways improvements, education, community and leisure facilities through the s106 agreement at Henley Gate

105 Our homes are designed to consume 105 litres of water per person per day, 16% less than current Building Regulations require

7km Of cycle and pedestrian routes will run through the Henley Gate development and country park promoting health and wellbeing


In partnership with A2 Dominion, our homes at Elmsbrook, Bicester have a number of features that enhance sustainability. The homes are built using timber frame and come fitted with triple glazing, rainwater harvesting, solar photovoltaic panels and a district heating system. The development includes green spaces, sports and recreational facilities and cycle and walking paths.


Daniel James
Resident at Elmsbrook, Bicester

The Henley Gate development in Ipswich will deliver over 1,000 new homes set within extensive landscaping, including a new 30-hectare country park providing a natural space and quality recreational landscape for new residents and the wider community. The local centre will include shops and a new primary school. A network of pedestrian and cycle routes will connect the community with the proposed country park and visitor centre, promoting wellbeing and sustainability. Woodland and hedgerows will provide a habitat for wildlife such as hedgehogs and birds.

'A' rating: Elmsbrook homes achieve an Energy Performance Certificate 'A' rating*

80 litres: Elmsbrook homes are designed to consume 80 litres of water per person per day. 36% less than current building regulations require due to the use of water efficient appliances and technologies such as rain water harvesting

40% of the Elmsbrook development is dedicated to green space, including parks, play areas and allotments

25 insect hotels created around the site, providing a safe haven for insects and other invertebrates

 *Applies to all homes built during financial year 2020. 1 November 2019 – 31 October 2020