There is a clear corporate governance framework to enable decision making at appropriate levels within the Group.

The Board

The Board sets the Group’s strategy to promote the long-term sustainable success of the Group in line with the purpose, values and culture.

The Board provides leadership within a framework of strong governance, risk management and effective controls. It oversees the performance and progress of the Group against business plans, utilising KPIs to support it in its assessment. The Board has a schedule of matters reserved for its own decision which includes setting profit expectations and dividend policy and approving major acquisitions, capital expenditure and financing.

Iain Ferguson CBE

  • Leads Board, governance, major shareholder and other stakeholder engagement
  • Supports the Chief Executive’s management of the business
  • Applies independent and objective judgement
  • Sets agendas that enable appropriate coverage of all areas material to the Board and which support eff ective and balanced decision making
  • Ensures that the Board receives accurate and timely information to aid decision making
  • Facilitates an environment for eff ective relationships between all Directors
  • Drives a culture that supports constructive discussion, challenge, debate and decision making
  • Contributes to the Board’s succession planning, induction and composition deliberations
  • Ensures the views of stakeholders are considered appropriately in Board discussions
  • Responsible for the eff ectiveness of the Board and its governance
  • Prioritises the development of the Group’s strategy.

Peter Truscott
Chief Executive

  • Responsible for the leadership of the Group and implementing the Group’s strategy
  • Maintains communication with the Chairman in relation to strategic considerations
  • Manages the overall performance of the business and provides eff ective leadership to members of the ELT
  • Proposes and leads the delivery of strategy as agreed by the Board
  • Leads the Executive Committee which oversees operational and financial performance
  • Communicates and provides feedback about the implementation of Group policies, and their impact on behaviours and culture
  • Leads and supports the Group’s divisions and its support functions
  • Engages with institutional shareholders and key stakeholder groups including the Government
  • Responsible to the Board for sustainability policies and practices of the Group.

Duncan Cooper
Group Finance Director

  • Provides leadership, direction and management of Group Finance, overseeing divisional financial control functions
  • Responsible for the consolidation of the Group’s financial statements, financial control mechanisms and the Group’s tax strategy
  • Delivers investor relations communications to capital markets
  • Manages the Group’s risk profile and establishes effective internal controls
  • Oversees the implementation of the Group’s risk management actions
  • Manages the Group’s relationship with the external auditor.

Octavia Morley
Senior Independent Director

  • Acts as a sounding board for the Chairman and a trusted intermediary for other Directors
  • Available to discuss concerns with stakeholders that cannot be resolved through the normal channels of the Chairman or the Executive Directors
  • Responsible for leading the Chairman’s performance evaluation.

David Arnold, Lucinda Bell, Louise Hardy and Octavia Morley
Independent Non-Executive Directors

  • Bring an external perspective, sound judgement and objectivity to the Board’s deliberations and decision making
  • Scrutinise, measure and review the performance of the Executive Directors
  • Constructively challenge and assist in the development of Group strategy
  • Provide independent insight, support and any specialist advice
  • Monitor the implementation of the Group’s strategy within its risk and control framework and consider the integrity of financial reporting.

Company Secretary

  • Provides advice and assistance to the Chairman and other Directors
  • Develops agendas for Board meetings
  • Oversees processes for providing information to the Board
  • Advises and keeps the Board updated on corporate governance developments
  • Considers Board effectiveness and Directors’ training needs in conjunction with the Chairman
  • Supports the Chairman on shareholder governance engagement matters.

Executive Committee

Provides executive leadership to deliver the Group’s strategy and manages the operations of the Group on a day-to-day basis.

  • Monitors SHE compliance and responses to incidents and near misses
  • Continually focuses on customer service and quality performance
  • Leads operational and financial matters
  • Develops and monitors the Group’s sustainability strategy
  • Considers legal matters, business ethics and culture and how this operates within the Group
  • Oversees the People strategy including, talent management, diversity and inclusion initiatives and employee engagement.

Managment Committees

Divisional Boards

Each division is run by a divisional board comprising directors responsible for specific disciplines.

They consider the operational matters and key risks of the division, monitor and control costs at a divisional level and ensures high levels of customer service and SHE performance.

Safety, Health & Environment Committee

The SHE Committee oversees the management of the Group’s SHE risks. It monitors performance against the Group’s SHE strategy and sets associated policies, procedures and initiatives.

Sustainability Committee

The Sustainability Committee oversees the management of the Group’s sustainability risks. It monitors performance against the Group’s sustainability strategy and recommends associated targets, policies and initiatives to the Board.

Land acquisition process

There is a clear dedicated approval process for acquiring land.

There are three key stages:

  • Assessment and feasibility stage
  • Bid stage
  • Contract stage.

The Investment Committee provides the relevant authority to acquire land.

The process enables the Group to act quickly while ensuring an appropriate level of diligence is applied to significant capital allocation decisions.

Board Committees

Audit and Risk Committee

The Audit and Risk Committee oversees external financial reporting and disclosures and monitors internal controls and risk management. The Audit and Risk Committee also reviews the effectiveness and independence of the external and internal auditors.

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee reviews the balance, diversity, independence and effectiveness of the Board. The Nomination Committee oversees the selection and appointment of new Directors to the Board and monitors succession planning for the Board and the Executive Leadership Team, alongside talent management.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee sets the remuneration policy for the Board and Executive Leadership Team, with focus on aligning remuneration with the enhancement of shareholder value and delivery of the Group’s strategy. The Remuneration Committee also considers employee pay, when setting remuneration for the Executive Directors.

Executive Committee

Board Committees


Provides executive leadership to deliver the Group’s strategy and manages the operations of the Group on a day-to-day basis.

  • Monitors SHE compliance and responses to incidents and near misses
  • Continually focuses on customer service and quality performance
  • Leads operational and financial matters
  • Develops and monitors the Group’s sustainability strategy
  • Considers legal matters, business ethics and culture and how this operates within the Group
  • Oversees the People strategy including, talent management, diversity and inclusion initiatives and employee engagement.

Managment Committees

Divisional Boards

Each division is run by a divisional board comprising directors responsible for specific disciplines.

They consider the operational matters and key risks of the division, monitor and control costs at a divisional level and ensures high levels of customer service and SHE performance.

Safety, Health &
Environment Committee

The SHE Committee oversees the management of the Group’s SHE risks. It monitors performance against the Group’s SHE strategy and sets associated policies, procedures and initiatives.

Sustainability Committee

The Sustainability Committee oversees the management of the Group’s sustainability risks. It monitors performance against the Group’s sustainability strategy and recommends associated targets, policies and initiatives to the Board.

Land acquisition process

There is a clear dedicated approval process for acquiring land.

There are three key stages:

  • Assessment and feasibility stage
  • Bid stage
  • Contract stage.

The Investment Committee provides the relevant authority to acquire land.

The process enables the Group to act quickly while ensuring an appropriate level of diligence is applied to significant capital allocation decisions.

Audit and Risk Committee

The Audit and Risk Committee oversees external financial reporting and disclosures and monitors internal controls and risk management. The Audit and Risk Committee also reviews the eff ectiveness and independence of the external and internal auditors.

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee reviews the balance, diversity, independence and effectiveness of the Board. The Nomination Committee oversees the selection and appointment of new Directors to the Board and monitors succession planning for the Board and the Executive Leadership Team, alongside talent management.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee sets the remuneration policy for the Board and Executive Leadership Team, with focus on aligning remuneration with the enhancement of shareholder value and delivery of the Group’s strategy. The Remuneration Committee also considers employee pay, when setting remuneration for the Executive Directors.


The Audit & Risk, Nomination and Remuneration Committees are Committees of the Board as defined by the Company’s Stakeholders. The powers and discretions of each committee are delegated by the Board of Directors of the Company, in accordance with that committee's respective terms of reference.

Audit & Risk Committee Terms of Reference

Nomination Committee Terms of Reference

Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference


The Board

The Board has ultimate responsibility for sustainability and ESG matters and provides oversight of the sustainability strategy

Sustainability Committee

The Sustainability Committee is delegated authority from the Executive Committee to ensure sustainability matters are integrated within the business. The Committee has oversight of issues relating to sustainability throughout the Group and is responsible for overseeing the development and delivery of strategic aims and initiatives to improve performance. The Chief Executive has ultimate responsibility for sustainability, including climate change, and chairs the Committee.


The Group Production Director, who also sits on the Sustainability Committee, manages policies and procedures that govern the delivery of outputs from the Committee through a small dedicated team. This team is empowered to engage with the relevant people across the business, including Board members and the Executive Leadership Team (ELT). The Group Production team has in-depth knowledge of sustainability issues, including current and potential future policy. The Group Production Director also sponsors key Functional Forums that are responsible for ensuring delivery of our objectives through our operating Divisions.

Sustainability Strategy, Initiatives And Targets

Functional Forums

Functional Forums are responsible to deliver initiatives, achieve targets and embed related procedures within the business.


Managing Directors

Managing Directors are accountable to ensure that any outcomes from the strategy and initiatives that are embedded within the business are followed.


Divisions must comply with procedures and assist in delivering initiatives and targets efficiently and effectively.

We measure our sustainability performance against key standards, disclosures, and the criteria most material to our business and stakeholders. Our performance data is detailed in our ESG Data Handbook.

We were proud to receive a score of A- for our recent CDP disclosure and we are committed to supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We identified eight goals that are most relevant to our business and where we can make the most significant contribution. Further information on our climate related governance and risks and opportunities is available in our annual CDP response and in our Annual Report and financial statements.


Crest Nicholson requires all employees to conduct business legally; the same is expected from our supply chain partners and any other stakeholders. Crest Nicholson does not tolerate discrimination, dishonesty or unethical behaviour in any form, and has appropriate disciplinary mechanisms in place.

You can find our policies here.

Equality and Diversity

Crest Nicholson values equality and diversity in employment and we select and promote employees based on their aptitudes and abilities, not their sex, sexual orientation, marital status, race, nationality, ethnic or national origin, age or disability. Everyone is different and has something unique to offer. Our Equality and Diversity Policy ensures that all employees and job applicants are accorded equal opportunities for recruitment, remuneration, access to benefits, training and promotion, together with an on-going emphasis on monitoring and developing the diversity of our workforce.

We recognise the benefits of a diverse workforce and pro-actively seek to create and maintain a balanced workforce at all levels and across all divisions. Workplace discrimination or harassment will not be tolerated and will be handled under our disciplinary and grievance procedures.

We monitor exit interview information and our annual turnover and report the diversity breakdown of our staff in our annual report and in internal monthly management reports. Our Equality and Diversity policy is reviewed and up-dated regularly and is available here.

Harassment and Bullying

The Company expects its employees to behave in a professional way towards colleagues, supply chain partners and stakeholders; and treat people with dignity and respect. Our Harassment and Bullying Policy works to ensure the organisation has procedures in place to minimise and eliminate any form of harassment or bullying at work. Harassment or bullying can take many forms from relatively mild banter, or offensive language, to actual physical violence. The Company has a responsibility towards any employee who is subjected to this type of behaviour either at work or through the course of work; this includes at work organised social events.

Anti Bribery and Corruption

In keep with the Bribery Act 2010, Crest Nicholson operates and maintains a number of policies and procedures to prevent bribery and corruption, including an anti-bribery and corruption policy, a gifts and entertainment policy and guidance around bribery risk areas. The Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy sets out a clear code of conduct for employees and supply chain partners to ensure they understand and conduct themselves in accordance with the legal regulations relating to bribery and corruption. Staff receive ongoing training on the Group’s policies in this area and the Act generally. Our policy is available to view here.


Our Whistleblowing Policy encourages employees and supply chain partners to report any concerns or malpractice to the organisation or through a free and independent helpline. Any person who raises an issue of concern will be treated with respect and will be assured that the matter will be properly and thoroughly investigated, and necessary actions taken. You can read our full Whistleblowing Policy here.

Health and Wellbeing

In addition to our Corporate Health and Safety Policy, which covers the safety of our employees and contractors while they carry out their roles, we also actively promote the general health and welfare of our permanent employees through a number of initiatives and measures. These include access to:

  • private medical insurance
  • a healthcare cash plan providing assistance with day-to-day health costs like prescriptions and discounted gym memberships
  • a comprehensive Employee Assistance Programme covering a range of issues at work and at home, including a confidential and professional counselling service
  • an occupational health and safety service for managers to refer employees with long-term health concerns

Communication with Employees

Crest Nicholson's values, policies, and procedures form part of its formal contract with employees, both permanent and temporary. Policies and procedures are reviewed and approved by the Executive Leadership Team and are communicated using appropriate media, including the Company intranet.

Staff engagement is important to Crest Nicholson. Information and changes that the Company wishes to communicate (including trading updates) are disseminated via various media as appropriate to the message, such as departmental briefings, road shows and one on one meetings, plus the Company intranet.


A wide range of legislation governs housing development, including Building Regulations, advertising and marketing, health and safety, environmental management, and employment practices. In many cases we go well beyond compliance requirements, setting our own internal high standards. Please see our Annual Report and financial statements for a summary of how we operate in compliance with prevailing laws and regulations.

Document downloads

Articles of Association

Tax Strategy

Matters Reserved to the Board

Remuneration Policy approved by shareholders at the 2023 AGM

Policy On The Use Of External Auditors To Provide Non Audit Services

Board and Leadership Diversity Policy

Section 172 statements

Companies meeting certain criteria under the Companies Act 2006 (Act) and the Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) Regulations 2018 are required to prepare a statement each financial year explaining how its Board has complied with the duties under s.172(1)(a)-(f) of the Act. The statement explains how the Board has discharged its duty to promote the success of the company, whilst having regards for the matters set out under s.172 of the Act.

Our Parent company, Crest Nicholson Holdings plc, has prepared a s.172 statement for the year ended 31 October 2023 which can be found on pages 16-19 of the Annual Report and financial statements.

In addition, there are two subsidiaries that are also required to prepare this statement namely, Crest Nicholson plc and Crest Nicholson Operations Limited. The s.172 statements for each subsidiary for the year ended 31 October 2023 can be accessed here.