Summer is now in full swing with longer days and warmer weather, and more people than ever are thinking about spending time in their gardens. New homes provide a great blank canvas when it comes to garden space offering endless possibilities from hot tubs to hammocks and outdoor dining zones.
However, a new garden project can feel over whelming which is why local housebuilder, Crest Nicholson has teamed up with landscaping experts from Elmtree Garden Contractors to share their top five design tips for maximising the potential of your garden this summer.
- Attract wildlife
Bird feeders, water for birds, hedgehog houses and highways, bee hotels and insect houses are all becoming very popular with garden-owners. Each helps to attract wildlife to your garden, supporting biodiversity and helping to keep your gardens eco-system balanced.
- Get under the soil of your garden
Make sure to understand your garden, including its climate, the soil type and the level of light it receives. Find out what grows well in your area by speaking to local gardeners and experts and the best time to plant.
- Maximise light
Keeping your garden brighter for longer gives you more time to enjoy your garden throughout the year. Installing pontoon lights to any pergolas or uplighters in your planted areas or light posts to paths all help to extend your time in the garden, especially during the autumnal months and early spring.
- Choose your plants
Select plants that create interest throughout different seasons, such as flowers, perhaps focusing on the time of year you want to enjoy your garden most, or your gardening abilities. If you cook with a lot of fresh herbs, then incorporating basil, mint or rosemary will not only ensure your garden smells delightful but also mean you won’t be caught short when cooking. Jasmine is also a great choice that has a lovely scent with beautiful white flowers, and doesn’t take too long to grow.
- Water features
The calming sounds of running water from a water feature can help add to the serenity in your garden, whilst providing a very aesthetic look to your garden. And purchasing a solar-powered feature means you don’t have to worry about electrical power.