Your new home journey
Our sales executives will personally guide you through every aspect of your purchase
They will be happy to help with any additional queries you may have. However, our simple summary of the buying process will help you understand exactly what happens.
Reserving your new home
Once you have chosen your new Crest Nicholson home, we help you complete the reservation paperwork. At this stage you will need to reserve your new home by paying a reservation fee.
Financial advisors and solicitors
You will need to secure a mortgage offer prior to Exchange of Contracts. If you wish, we can suggest independent advisors to identify your financial requirements and solicitors to act on your behalf.
Choices and upgrades
Depending on the stage of construction of your new home, you may be able to personalise it with specific choices or upgrades. You will be able to discuss this with your sales executive.
Exchange of contracts
Once the purchase details and your mortgage offer are confirmed, you can sign the draft contract, then provide your legal advisor with your Exchange of Contract deposit and instruct them to exchange.
Meet the builder
If your home is in early stages of construction, once it is watertight, we will invite you to meet with the site team. The visit will help you to understand how your home is built.
Notice of practical completion
Once your home has been completed, Crest Nicholson’s solicitors will serve the Notice of Practical Completion, providing a minimum of fourteen days for you and your solicitor to Legally Complete.
Home demonstration visit
The Home Demonstration visit will be arranged when your new home has been decorated. The site team will demonstrate the features of the property and explain how the appliances and various systems work.
Legal completion and handover
Once your solicitor has transferred the balance of funds for completion, our site team will be in contact to congratulate you and confirm the arrangements for you to collect the keys to your new home.
14 day visit
When you have had time to settle in, around 14 days after Legal Completion, a member of the site team will visit you to discuss any issues you may have noticed and listed.